FiveStar Home Inspections is always looking for ways to provide “Service That Shines Above the Rest” with platforms that our clients & agents find extremely valuable.
SpeKwo provides instant quotes for items on your inspection report in 72 hours or less and Five Star is providing these quotes at no cost to the client or agent with our full home inspections. To receive your FREE quote, you must use the promo code fivestar when you upload the inspection report to SpeKwo.
This service offers a fantastic opportunity for our buyers, sellers, and agents by providing quick and easy access to estimates and home repairs.
Quotes on items on your inspection report
Never have to coordinate multiple contractors
Accurate pricing to negotiate your transactions
In-house SpeKwo team to handle ALL repairs at quoted price
Full-time professional tradesmen to complete repairs on your timeline
KAB Enterprises dba FiveStar Home Inspections has no financial connections and assumes no responsibility / liability regarding SpeKwo (written or oral) / management / estimates / contractor performance and / or processes for any repairs or other remedial work. KAB Enterprises dba Five Star Home Inspections does not assume any liability for property damages / bodily injury or death caused by any SpeKwo employees or contractors. KAB Enterprises dba Five Star Home Inspections is not responsible for consequential or secondary damages or other conditions resulting from SpeKwo business practices and / or performance.